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Journey of Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust under which Yog Gram is functioning started long time back on 6th April, 2006 with a vision to heal people with Ayurveda and Yoga. Named after Mahrishi Patanjali, Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, is one of the largest yoga institutes in India, possibly the whole world. The institute has been set up for treatment and research in Yoga and Ayurveda. It proudly features world's largest outpatient department or OPD with capacity to cater to 6 to 10 thousand patients everyday, an I.P.D. of one hundred beds, Panchkarma & Shatkarma Clinics & Research Centres, Ayurvedic Surgery & Research Centre, Diagnostics & Research Centre (Pathology, Ultrasound, X-Ray & E.C.G. etc.), in the servce of mankind.

With time organization unfolded many chapters of success stories and services to mankind. With the grace of God Respected Swami Ramdev Ji and Respected Acharya Balkrishna Ji together worked hard for the revival of Yoga and Ayurveda which are ancient Indian Scientific approaches to live healthy, peaceful and graceful life. Soon the duo realized the need to establish centre of Naturopathy where people can recover from their various pains and sufferings through Ayurveda, Yoga and meditation.

Hence, with a vision to heal and benefit people from traditional Ayurveda and Panchkarma therapies, Yog Gram was established in the peaceful and warm lap of nature, amid mountains and rivers, far from the city on 8th Jun 2008. Sadhkas (Health Seeker), here can come and practice divine, peaceful and healthy life.

योगग्राम में अभी जुलाई 2022 तक एडवांस बुकिंग हो चुकी है। तात्कालिक रूप से चिकित्सा लेने के लिए स्वास्थ्य साधक पतंजलि वैलनेस-पतंजलि योगपीठ, हरिद्वार में अपनी बुकिंग कराएं जहां पर परम पूज्य स्वामी रामदेव जी महाराज आगामी रामनवमी, 10 अप्रैल, 2022 से स्वयं उपस्थित होंगे अतः एडवांस बुकिंग करने के लिए संपर्क करें या https://patanjaliwellness.com/pwc-yogpeethharidwar.php पर जाकर सीधे ऑनलाइन बुकिंग करें। Contact Number:- 8954890120, 8954890252, 7456900734, 7456900735, 9760095231
created with 720 Global Online

Established in the vicinity surrounded by divine and blissful nature, 20 km far from the city, in the peaceful valleys of Haridwar adjoining Rajaji National Park, Yog Gram is a Holistic Naturopathy Treatment Centre. Yog Gram is the realization of holy and auspicious thoughts of Respected Swami Ramdev Ji and Respected Acharya Balkrishna Ji with the perspective and vision of relieving people from various sufferings via traditional and effective treatment therapies of Ayurveda. It was inaugurated on 8th Jun 2008 by former Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Shri B. C. Khanduri.

Yog Gram is a Naturopathy Center, aimed at providing physiological, psychological and spiritual health to people suffering from various incurable diseases and stress through integrated therapy of Ayurveda in the environment with fresh and pure air, verdant and vibrant nature. While Naturopathy rejuvenates body with its various therapies which are given in peaceful environment in the heavenly nature, that further heals soul of individuals from stress and worries.


Journey of Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust under which Yog Gram is functioning started long time back on 6th April, 2006 with a vision to heal people with Ayurveda and Yoga. Named after Maharishi Patanjali, Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, is one of the largest Yoga Institutes in India, possibly the whole world. The Institute has been set up for treatment and research in Yoga and Ayurveda. It proudly features world's largest outpatient department or OPD with capacity to cater to 6 to 10 thousand patients everyday, an I.P.D. of one hundred beds, Panchkarma & Shatkarma Clinics & Research Centres, Ayurvedic Surgery & Research Centre, Diagnostics & Research Centre (Pathology, Ultrasound, X-Ray & E.C.G. etc.), in the service of mankind.

With time organization unfolded many chapters of success see more



  • Registration Number- 19665, Nirmala Patel FROM Mandir, Navsari On 19 Feb 2014 Said ''Many Many thanks for letting me come to yoggram. I wish I could stay longer but I am going to come back very soon. I hope you allow me to come back to stay longer.�

    Nirmala Patel

  • Registration Number- 19085, Nilima Nakul Malani FROM Nagpur, Maharastra On 14 Feb 2014 Said ''Thank you for making our stay very comfortable .�

    Nilima Nakul

  • Registration Number- 19756, Jatin Kaur FROM New Delhi On 13 Feb 2014 Said ''It will be kind enough for the authority of highness, if more extension may be made, so as poor and marginal people can get benefits from this renowned Yoggram .�

    Jatin Kaur

  • Registration Number- 19683, Hira Bhandari FROM Nepal On 10 Feb 2014 Said ''This is heaven of earth.�

    Hira Bhandari

  • Registration Number- 19682, Dinesh Raj Bhandari FROM Nepal On 10 Feb 2014 Said ''It is better if yoggram established its branch in other areas also.�

    Dinesh Raj Bhandari

  • Registration Number- 19762, S K Agrawal FROM Ghaziabad On 09 Feb 2014 Said ''There must be more publicity of yoggram. In my opinion this institution is of immense use to the society. Its treatment provides great success to ailing humanity. No other pathology is capable of providing such fine relief.�

    S K Agrawal