A brief Introduction

Looking from a global perspective, Yog no more remains confined to the caves and burroughs where Rishis and Munis (saints and sages) of yore practiced, oblivious of the world. Crossing the boundaries and narrow lanes or rural villages, it is fast becoming part of the stressful modern life style of the city people. People have realized today that Yog is not something to be practiced by saints and sages in deep recesses of the caves rather it is a science which alone can mitigate the sufferings of the people. Yog has spread as an easy and successful therapy in the treatment of lifestyle like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression and other such incurable diseases.

Yog has become an indispensable thing of today’s times and hence this word is enjoying much popularity worldwide. It is a matter of pride and joy that efforts of Yog guru Swami Ramdev ji and Patanjali yog peerh has familiarized the words related to Yog – Asanas, Pranayama, Mudra, Dhyan, Samadhi- have become a household name these days with people across the world. To facilitate people in knowing the terminology of Yog in an easy style and further assist the researchers and practitioners of Yog, the compilation of Yog encyclopedia has been conceptualized.

A glimpse of Yog Encyclopedia and its specific features

The extraneous efforts and guidance of Swami Ramdev ji has led to the composition of this encyclopedia which takes the philosophical, psychic, behavioural, physiological and spiritual perspectives of Yog. Various traditions of Yog including Patanjail yog, Hathyog, Bodh yog, Jain yog, Sidh yog etc. and the principal tenets associated with these have been incorporated in this Yog encyclopedia with authentic evidences. Comprising more than 10,000 words, this magnanimous work includes pictorial and systematic representation of Asanas, over hundred pranayamas and purification techniques, over 250 mudras, yogic appliances and the names of Yogic essences. I take pride in the heritage of Rishis and Munis in stating this that the philosophical tenets of the yogic science practiced by all faiths, sects, religions, communities, religions, cultures and ancient traditions has been presented with references without prejudices towards any of these for the first time in history in this work. It is such a work in which attempt has been made to express the holistic aspect of Yog. The information of Yoga and the related subjects are scattered hither thither. As a result, any Yog enthusiast cannot accomplish total information about yog in his lifetime. This attempt of Yog encyclopedia would facilitate the sadhaks from searching here and there.

Usefulness of Yog encyclopedia

Through this Yog encyclopedia, a global environment shall be created in which the yog enthusiasts shall understand the extensive form of yoga. They would be able to understand that yog is not only some physical poses but has a much deeper meaning. It would be useful for a commoner to the researcher in any university doing research on this yogic science.